According to legend, Russian empress Catherine the Great died while attempting to engage in sexual intercourse with a horse. The truss holding her equine paramour broke, crushing Catherine to death beneath the poor beast.

Catherine the Great actually expired alone and of natural causes. On the morning of 5 November 1796, Catherine arose, drank coffee, and sat down to write. About three hours later her chamberlain, curious that he had not been summoned as usual, found her barely conscious on the floor of a closet adjacent to her bedroom. As her servant summoned help, Catherine lapsed into unconsciousness from which she never awakened and died at 9:45 PM the next day. An autopsy conducted the next day determined the cause of death to be a cerebral hemorrhage.

America's Front Page For Political News. I said it on another site, but if Brennans lips are moving, Trump is over the target.Come early February 2021, Brennan will be sitting in GITMO awaiting a firing squad, with the use of bean bags, and 40MM less than lethal rounds, just to get his attention.then smear him with peanut butter, and red meat.and let 50 Belgian Malinois at him. Walter Andrew Brennan (July 25, 1894 – September 21, 1974) was an American acto r who won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 1936, 1938, and 1940, making him one of only three male actors to win three Academy Awards. Brennan was born in Lynn, Massachusetts, less than two miles from his family’s home in Swampscott, Massachusetts. The young woman, who died last March following a battle with cervical cancer, vowed to campaign for the HPV vaccine until the day she died. And now Laura’s father, Larry, has told how her life will have been worthwhile if more people get the jab.

Pornographic poetry and gossip about Catherine’s excessive appetite for sex — especially her alleged fondness for the barnyard variety — circulated in Russia (and throughout Europe) during Catherine’s lifetime. Exactly when and where the story about Catherine’s death having been caused by a horse originated remains unknown.

As one of her biographers wrote, the “implications of the horse story appear aimed at undercutting Catherine’s claims to greatness, by aggressively asserting that her primary motivation was unbridled sex, the excesses of which resulted in her monstrous death.”

History regards Catherine as a powerful ruler who saved Russia from almost certain invasion and annexation by her stronger neighbors. Under her, the country prospered, schools were established, laws enacted, wars fought and won. Yet to do all this, the former German princess had to first wrest control from her insane husband, which she did by staging a coup and declaring herself empress.

While her success as a monarch lies at the heart of the various bestiality rumors circulated about her, so too does her overthrow of her husband, because both were viewed in her lifetime and beyond as unnatural — women of that era were held to be biologically inferior and thus incapable of leading nations with any success, and wives were put on this Earth to be subservient to husbands, not to dethrone them. (Remember, women of those times who killed their husbands were guilty not of murder but of petite treason, a legal term that makes it abundantly clear what the proper relationship between husband and wife was supposed to be.)

Widespread rumors about Catherine engaging in aberrant sexual practices became a way of saying that Catherine herself was an aberration, a freak of nature, and thus that her success as a ruler and her marital treason were not natural to her gender. Rather than challenge the existing premise of women being woefully inferior to men, ordinary human nature would have caused those of both sexes looking for explanations for the apparent conundrum to find one that accounted for Catherine the Great.

HomeTelevisionBones Recap: The Next in the Last – Season 10 Finale

I’m writing this on Throwback Thursday, thus the old picture of our dynamic duo, Booth and Brennan. Ah, the good ole days. Weren’t they cute?!

It’s crazy to think that our little show “Bones” has made it through ten seasons, and now renewed for an eleventh! Time sure flies, doesn’t it?

Tonight’s finale is what I’d call a little bit of a let down. I say that only because there has always been some huge stomach-turning cliff-hanger (usually having to do with Booth and Brennan’s relationship on the line), but this finale seemed a little anti-climatic. Did you think so?

Yes, I know B & B are supposedly leaving, but with Angela and Hodgins now staying, I can’t see the two main characters going elsewhere. I’m guessing there will be something on that tape (Pelant) that brings them back – you know, the tape Angela started to play for Brennan.

The case was interesting because Pelant (or his spirit) was part of it. His protege tried to keep his evilness alive, and I’m sure that Pelant’s presence will linger in the first couple of episodes next Fall. Whatever the storyline will be, it’s going to have to be big enough for Booth and Brennan to want to – or need to – come back to the Jeffersonian. They are the best at their jobs, right?!

As always, it was fun having a lot of the cast back for the finale. I was wondering if they would ever have Daisy back; they did. She, Wendell and Clark were challenged by Brennan. She reminded them that she had trained them for this, and they didn’t let her down.

Angela had a big surprise for Hodgins – big! She found the money! His money – 4 billion dollars! I forgot how rich he was, but more amazing was that Hodgins tells Angie to get rid of it. What? Get rid of it? At first she couldn’t believe it. Neither could I, but that’s Hodgins, isn’t it? He wants to use it to help people. He’s such a good guy and an even more wonderful husband. He was going to leave the job he loves so Angela could finally get her dream – to live in Paris. She has always wanted that. Maybe she will finally get there when Bones really ends. I hope she does.

Cam didn’t have a very big part in the finale. Early in the season, I’d heard a rumor that there was going to be another wedding. I thought it was going to be Cam and Arastoo. Dang, no wedding. Maybe next season? I would like that. Cam deserves to be happy and get married. Maybe they could have a Middle Eastern-style wedding. I would love a great episode for Cam. She has been a solid character and one we’ve all grown to love. She keeps things professional, but also has a deep affection for her staff, or shall I say, friends. Way to go, boss!

Aubrey has been a great addition. He’s a good partner for Booth. He’s funny, smart and also not afraid to be upfront and honest. As we saw in this episode, Booth respects and trusts him. He’s different than Sweets, but in a positive way – and I love his love for food!

I love Caroline. I just love her. She was not happy when Booth told her the case they were working on was going to be his last. Her tough exterior is just for the bad guys, and her emotions came out as she cried about Booth leaving. She has always been such a fun character. Remember back in the day when she told Brennan she would Max a trailer if she kissed Booth? Ha ha – that was such a cute scene. In real life Emily, was really embarrassed to kiss David. Let me show you the clip.

Cute, huh?!

I’ve been reminiscing about the “Bones” of yesteryear. I loved the early seasons, especially 1, 2 and 3. I also really liked seasons 4 and 5. It seemed to change a little in season 6 and then 7 through 10 had a different feel. I think the main difference is Brennan and how her character has changed. She was gritty with a rawness, yet had an innocence to her.

How Did Brennan Clipp Died

Her relationship with Booth had such chemistry – of course, before they got together. I think they’re still great together, but I think the writing for their characters is different, too. Emily (and I do adore her) started delivering the lines in a more technical way. There are so many fluctuations in her voice now (it seemed to start a few years ago) that it makes the character seem different.


How Did Brennan Clipp Dies

Look back at some of the earliest episodes, A Man on Death Row, The Man Fallout Shelter, Two Bodies in a Lab, The Girl in the Graft, Aliens in a Spaceship, or The Santa in the Slush. You’ll see and hear the difference. I loved those older episodes. I’m not saying I don’t like the newer ones, but Brennan was at her best back in the early years.

How Did Brennan Clipp Die Mauer

What are your thoughts about the earlier seasons vs. the later seasons of “Bones”? Can you see a difference? What do you think about Brennan then and now? Do you like how the show has evolved? Do you think season 11 will be the last?

Sound off in the comments below. I’d love to hear your thoughts!