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  2. Oxford Dictionary English To Hindi Offline Apk

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This Dictionary is a very well known dictionary among Indians because it is bilingual English-Hindi Dictionary. It is a wonderful English to Hindi dictionary. It contains almost all commonly used word of English. It has a large database of more than 22600 English words with Multiple Hindi meanings. English to Hindi dictionary offline app is for those who have been puzzled by any English word and wanted to know what its Hindi meaning is? Did you ever face any situation where you immediately.

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Oxford Dictionary App English To Hindi

So low profile mobile handsets can turn off Auto search to type quickly. You will see a Dictionary icon on the notification bar to start the app quickly. On sharing text you will find the Hindi Dictionary. This will be helpful to find out the meaning of any word. Features of the Dictionary:. Hindi To English. English To Hindi. This video I have told you about an application through which you can translate any word of English or sentence in Hindi or other local languages. It provides an extensive coverage of words, phrases, idioms, scientific and technical terms, as well as etymology, definitions, inflections, phrasing, and much more. The Oxford English Hindi.

Oxford Dictionary English To Hindi Offline For Pc

  1. Cause (n) : reason
  2. Cause (v) : produce
  3. Caution (n) : care
  4. Caution (v) : warn
  5. Cautious (adj.) : careful, watchful
  6. Cavalcade (n) : a procession of a person on horseback
  7. Cavalier (n) : horseman
  8. Cavalier (adj.) : haughty
  9. Cave (n) : a (large) den
  10. Cavil (n) : a trivial objection
  11. Cavity (n) : a hollow
  12. Caw (n) : the cry of a crow
  13. Caw (v) : cry as a crow
  14. Cease (v) : stop, put an end to
  15. Ceaseless (adj.) : continual, never ending
  16. Cedar (n) : a kind of big tree
  17. Cede (v) : grant, give way, yield
  18. Ceiling (n) : the inner roof of a house
  19. Celebrate (v) : perform with proper rites and ceremonies
  20. Celebrated (adj.) : famous
  21. Celebration (n) : observance or performance with due rites
  22. Celebrity (n) : a well-known person
  23. Celestial (adj.) : heavenly
  24. Celibacy (n) : the state of being unmarried

Oxford Dictionary English To Hindi Offline Apk

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